A message from Western’s Vice Provost and Associate Vice-President – Indigenous Initiatives

Boozhoo/ Shekoli/ Kuwiinguneewal /Hello - And welcome to Western University!
On behalf of everyone at Western University, welcome! I am honoured to serve as Western’s first Vice-Provost & Associate Vice-President for Indigenous Initiatives. My Spirit Name is Neeta-Noo-Kee Kwe (Hard-Working Woman). I was a student here in the mid-nineties and later returned as an employee in 2021 after serving as the National Coordinator for Indigenous Education with the Council of Ministers of Education Canada since 2008. Prior to that, I served as an elementary school teacher, and in school administration and governance in both public and First Nation schools. I was also a university lecturer helping to advance outcomes for Indigenous learners in the areas of policy, curriculum, and governance. One of my great delights in working in education has been to help bridge cultural differences between people groups to facilitate inclusive, equitable, quality, and culturally relevant learning opportunities and experiences for everyone.
At Western, the Office of Indigenous Initiatives (OII) leads system-wide change to advance Truth and Reconciliation and achieve equitable outcomes for Indigenous Peoples through work to:
- Champion Indigenous strategic directions;
- Build collaborative and community-engaged partnerships; and
- Support campus partners in implementing Western’s Indigenous Strategic Plan (2016).
Together with an amazing colleagues, we champion Western’s institutional mandate to “advance reconciliation with Indigenous communities” (Towards Western at 150, (2021). Under the banner the OII, we offer a wide range of resources to support Indigenous students before their arrival, during, and as alumni through the following centres:
- The Indigenous Student Centre, which provides a wide range of culturally relevant supports, guidance, and employment opportunities; and
- The Wampum Learning Lodge, which serves as a central hub for advancing Indigenous initiatives at Western - serving as a touchstone for Indigenous people by creating a sense of community through culturally relevant events and programmes.
Working in close collaboration with an increasing number of caring allied colleagues from across the campus, and with members of Western’s Senior Leadership Team, I am encouraged daily with meaningful support leveraged across the campus to nurture an inclusive campus culture that values Indigenous peoples, perspectives, and ways of knowing. Throughout your learning journey, feel free to engage the many people, programs, and services that are available to support you.
During the first week of November, we will celebrate the third anniversary of the WLL. You are cordially invited to attend the planned festivities and meet the OII staff and amazing Indigenous faculty members.
Speaking from experience, your time as a student at Western, will fly by quickly – so please take time to fully engage with the wonderful opportunities and supports at your fingertips. Enjoy the semester and the lovely changing of the seasons.
Miigwech/ Yaw^ko/ Wanìshi/ Thank you.
Christy R. Bressette,
Kettle and Stony Point First Nation (Turtle Clan)
VP-AVP, Indigenous Initiatives, Western University
B.A. Hons Hist, B.Ed., M.Ed., PhD.
e: cbresse@uwo.ca
t: 519.661.3117