Indigenous Student Self-Identification Survey

The Office of Indigenous Initiatives is in the process of developing a policy to Affirm Indigenous Identity. The policy is forthcoming in Fall 2024 – it’s a work in progress. This webpage will be updated at that time.

Western invites all Indigenous students to self-identify as Indigenous online through Western's Student Center ( The Office of Indigenous Initiatives (along with Indigenous Student Centre) are responsible for overseeing this internal and confidential data collection, storage and reporting processes.

The goal of this survey is to more effectively reflect and respond to Indigenous student needs and fulfill Western’s Indigenous Strategic Plan.

Your participation in this process will help Western understand and proactively serve Indigenous students on our campus.

What to Know

  • An online survey to help Western provide programs and services to Indigenous students
  • The term "Indigenous" is defined based on the Constitution Act for students who self-identity as First Nations, Métis, or Inuit (FNMI) or Native American from the United States
  • No proof of ancestry is required
  • The process is voluntary and confidential
  • The Office of Indigenous Initiatives oversees the data collection, storage, and reporting process in strict confidence and in accordance with privacy legislation

How: 3-Easy Steps

  • It takes less than 2 minutes to complete
  • Log into Student Center
  • Go to the "Personal Information" section located at the top of the page and on the left hand side click "Indigenous Self-Identification"


  • Be part of the collective and growing Indigenous student body!
  • Help the Indigenous Student Centre gain a greater understanding of Indigenous students on-campus and be in a better position to enhance programs and services
  • Connect with the Indigenous community on-campus by being included in communications (if you choose to opt-in to email communications)

Related Links

The Indigenous Student Centre User Agreement

Opt-in to the Indigenous Student Centre's Weekly Top 4 Emails