Indigenous Students' Association (ISA)


Photo of 2023-2024 Indigenous Students' Association Executives at the Annual ISA Powwow

The goal of the Indigenous Students' Association (ISA) is to maintain a sense of community amongst their peers and across campus while also attempting to provide programming, events, and workshops in order to educate Western's Campus about Indigenous peoples, their nations, and their distinct cultures alongside current issues involving Indigenous peoples presently. They plan on accomplishing these goals each academic school year, varying between years as each executive council changes leadership.

2024-2025 Executive Council

President: Claudia Zavitz
VP Finance: Jaycee Cote
VP Events: Alicia Kewageshig
VP Communications: Grace Vickers

Senior Peer-Support Representative: Maggie Parkinson, Nya Elijah
Events Commissioner: vacant
Cultural Coordinator: Holly Peters
Allyship Coordinators: Isabella Marleau, Rohina Saidy, Amber Thomson
Outreach Coordinators: Niibin Pitawanakwat, Ella Conrod
Finance Commissioner: vacant
Indigenous Studies Representative: Chesney Sickles-Jarvis
First Year Representatives: Danica Peltier, Sara Boston
Creative Coordinator: Ross Tuttle
Community Outreach Coordinator: Dan Deleary

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