Ayukwanktiyóhake’ Student Residence

Ayukwanaktiyohake group photo of students

Meet other first year Indigenous students and spend your first year in one of Western’s traditional style residences in the heart of campus, next to Deshkaan Ziibing (Antler River). Delaware Hall houses Ayukwanaktiyóhake’ the Indigenous Student and Ally Living-Learning Community floor. Ayukwanaktiyóhake', named by Lotunt Honyust, is from the Oneida language and means "a safe place where we can find rest and security." In collaboration with the Indigenous Student Centre, the Community offers cultural programming and academic support. Some examples include ceremonial celebrations, understanding Indigenous history and language, and a visiting Elders program.

Lotunt who named Ayukwanaktioyhake

What is a Living-Learning Community?

Living-Learning Community floors are an optional choice for students. Ayukwanaktiyóhake’ is developed to give you an enriched learning and living environment. Liz Akiwenzie, Visiting Elder, frequently visits to share teaching and stories, there are beading nights, Indigenous food nights in the Dining Hall and more!

Elder Liz Akiwenzie Drumming

How do I apply?

After you receive your residence offer and start your Residence Placements Questionnaire on the My Housing Portal, you will have the opportunity to select a Living-Learning Community floor. You will select Ayukwanaktiyóhake’ and answer some quick questions. Residence at Western will then follow up with you in the summer. There is no extra costs to live in this community!

student beading

For more information, visit the Living-Learning Communities page.