Lewis Williams
Ngāi Te Rangi (Tauranga Moana, Aotearoa) and Clan Argeantaich (Isle of Arainn, Scotland)

Associate Professor, Indigenous Studies and Geography
Phone: (To come)
E-mail: (To come)
Website: http://kalewiswilliams.com
Lewis Williams is an interdisciplinary, Indigenous, feminist scholar-practitioner. Her scholarship and practice centre on Indigenous resurgence and reconciliation as a key means of addressing Indigenous disparities and human-planetary wellbeing.
Lewis is the Founding Director of the Alliance for Intergenerational Resilience (AIR), a Canadian-based international not for profit organization, and an Associate Fellow, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Canada. One of her key projects at this time is the preparation of the book “Indigenous-led Intergenerational Resilience for times of Crisis: Climate, Cultural Clash and Adversity” to be published early 2021 as part of Routledge’s Indigenous Peoples and Policy Series.
Research Interests:
- Indigenous and cultural studies; cultural-ecology and globalization; socio-ecological resilience; and social innovation
- PhD, Social and Cultural Studies, Massey University
- MA in Public Health, University of Auckland